Hey kids! Welcome to Preshrunk. Preshrunk is a weblog that has a fascination with t-shirts and hoodies. If it covers your torso, we’ll probably cover it.

This whole idea stemmed from a particularly furious IM session with my friend Frazier. He was looking for a few new shirts for his first year at the University of San Francisco, so I started by scouring Cool Hunting. After spending a few hours bouncing URLs back and forth, I thought that it’d be nice if there were a blog that just focused on t-shirts.

After the idea percolated in my brain for a bit, I decided bite the bullet and grab a domain name. Everyone I’d brought the concept up to said it was a great idea… Some even accused me of trying to part them with their hard earned money.

As much as Cool Hunting inspired me, I’m also an avid reader of PVRblog and Gizmodo. The model they use is a solid one, so I’m going to try to base this site off theirs as much as possible.

One of the differences you may notice is the distinct lack of ads. Since the site’s in a “soft launch” period, we’re actually ad free. We should have Google AdWords up on the site in the next week or so, but after that we have no plans to litter the page with stuff you don’t want to see. We very well may take the Coudal Partners approach of “sell us something then we’ll sell you an ad”, but that probably won’t happen anytime soon.

Anyhow, we’ll get out of your way and let you start exploring what there is of the site so far. If you have any questions or tips, please feel free to send a mail to tips@preshrunk.info. Cheers!