Single, financially stable weblog looking for an attractive, witty slogan to be seen on our arm at parties and awards ceremonies. Must be cool with silly, irreverent and sometimes obnoxious humor. An unhealthy fascination with t-shirts is a definite plus. We’d also dig it if you were 800 x 600 friendly. After all, it’s not the size of your resolution – it’s what you do with it…

If you’re interested, please send an email containing your slogan to talkback [at] preshrunk [dot] info by 11:59 PM PST, July 11th. Our favorite submission will be asked to move into our site’s new header to keep the “Preshrunk” company. You’d be surprised at how lonely it gets up there.

P.S. So we actually get people sending slogans our way, we’ve decided to dangle a big fat carrot in front of your face. The person who comes up with the best slogan will receive a 1 year Flickr Pro account and a $50 Threadless gift certificate.

P.P.S. If you don’t include the word “slogan” in the subject line, we may miss your suggestion when the time comes to figure out which one we like. You wouldn’t want that to happen, would you?

P.P.P.S. A few people have asked us if they can send mutiple slogans in a single mail. Our answer to that is a resounding “please do.” As a matter of courtesy, if you plan on sending in multiple slogan ideas, do try to send them all in one mail. The last thing we want is twenty slogans in twenty seperate emails from one guy/gal. That the sort of shit that trips people’s spam filters. Just sayin’.